Hauser & Wirth Shop

Design / Ecommerce Strategy / Shopify Plus / User Experience

HAUSER & WIRTH Shopify Ecommerce

An Ecommerce Destination for the World Renowned Gallery

Sweden Unlimited collaborated with longtime client Hauser & Wirth to create a ecommerce experience for the gallery’s unique curated selection of books, artwork inspired accessories, artist-designed jewelry, prints, editions, and more.

hauser wirth art gallery


Hauser & Wirth was founded in 1992 in Zurich by Iwan Wirth, Manuela Wirth and Ursula Hauser, who were joined in 2000 by Partner and President Marc Payot. A family business with a global outlook, Hauser & Wirth has expanded over the past 30 years to include outposts in Hong Kong, London, New York, Los Angeles, Somerset, Menorca, Monaco, Zurich, Gstaad, and St. Moritz.

Sweden has worked with the gallery for many years including designing and developing their Flagship website. Hauser & Wirth were looking to create an equally engaging experience for their growing selection of shoppable items from their artists.

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HAUSER & WIRTH Shopify Ecommerce - Sweden Unlimited
HAUSER & WIRTH Shopify Ecommerce


With a custom Shopify Plus design and development, Hauser & Wirth now have a way to surface fresh content that drives engagement with a flexible CMS featuring mix and match content modules throughout the site including custom landing pages. Our approach give the H&W team ability to highlight and surface relevant content around Artists, Publications or other product groupings. The enhanced Product pages include automated content like artist profiles, cross sells and upsells. The final site features multiple languages and currencies from one instance to deliver an ultra-localized experience.

HAUSER & WIRTH Shopify Ecommerce
Hauser & Wirth Art gallery

Art + Commerce

The Hauser & Wirth custom Shopify Plus site provides a highly curated, content-rich shopping experience while utilizing the rich features and solutions within the platform.

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